Innovative Wisconsin School Districts Design Futures Here.
“Our attendance is up by 1.6% which is a significant jump for a high school. Typically, if you can grow by one percentage point in a year that is pretty significant. For us to see almost a two percent increase … that’s huge. The reports in WISEdash Local help us narrow the focus so we can identify kids in a matter of seconds.”
WISEdash Local isn’t just a product; it’s a consortium of innovative school districts. The consortium works together to create a single location for all of your school and student data by running on the premier Unified insights by Powerschool. Data from your student information system, statewide assessments, and district local assessments integrate onto WISEdash Local dashboards. Our next-day data provides a daily comparison to visualize your progress toward school-wide initiatives and your progress toward district goals. WISEdash Local provides several modules and dashboards standard and comprehensive right out-of- the-box, so there is often no need to create custom content for each member district.